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Even though it is yet another slow ballad song, response has been quite good. For the majority of the song, except for the chorus which is sung by all members, as well as a few solo lines from Acchan , the rest of the lines are sung in duets. No, create an account now. Aug 17, Location: Tyzer , Jan 22, akb48 sakura no ki ni narou full pv

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Single - AKB48 20th [Sakura no Ki ni Narou] 11/02/16 | Page 43 | Stage48

Area K off vocal [DVD] It's like " Another miles till we can kiss" or " miles to our kiss". Ougon Center qkb48 vocal. Yes, my password is: Kiss made Mile Sakura no Ki ni Narou Music Clip Guuzen no Juujiro off vocal Mayuyued already wrote about this, but this is my own take on it. Also, it wasn't very realistic: You must log in or sign up to reply here. Mid day sales of Sakura no Ki ni Narou is 70, I wonder if next year's sakura single will have Yuko's kid narrou more grown up or something!

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Sakura no Ki ni Narou

Kiss made Mile Music Clip Maybe this one will sell faster, but who can say for sure. Share This Page Tweet. Yuko has a kid! Or something like that.

Sakura no Ki ni Narou off vocal Ahhhh that makes more sense. Newer Post Older Post Home.

akb48 sakura no ki ni narou full pv

Even though it is yet another slow ballad song, response has been quite good. Area K Music Clip Your name or email address: Jun 20, Location: Please read the state of the forum here and support if you can! The Undergirls song for this Single, Guuzen no Juujiro Crossroads of Skb48 takes a more upbeat and lighthearted path compared to the heavy mood which Jurina sets in Sakura no Ki ni Narou. Sakura no Ki ni Narou It has certainly shipped that much, but how long will it take to sell it?

They could have done it just as easily with only the front girls. We can hope for more groups shots, at best, but I really doubt, since naroou part of the PV we've seen was the whole song.

akb48 sakura no ki ni narou full pv

The concept and story of the PV is just plain beautiful, although I can't help but to notice some resemblance to that anime Da Capowhich gull has people turning into Sakura trees. Guuzen no Juujiro For the majority of the song, except for the chorus which is sung by all members, as well as a few solo lines from Harouthe rest of the lines are sung in duets.

May 6, Location: And if they were supposed to be older, their clothing was not age-appropriate at all.

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