вторник, 7 января 2020 г.


The recommended solution for integrating ads in WordPress is the free ad management plugin Advanced Ads. Here you can define the top and bottom margins. Conflicts with other plugins and scripts CSS incompatibility Is it possible to fix multiple widgets? Refresh interval option used only for campatibility with old browsers no MutationObserver API support. They works the same way. Fixed destruction of jQuery window. How to prevent overlapping with the footer? q3w2

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How to disable the plugin on mobile devices?

Q2W3 Fixed Widget for WordPress

No JavaScript errors caused by other plugins and scripts. The following people have contributed to this plugin. Options format has been changed! Use the fixed widget plugin to create sticky widgets that stay in the visible screen area when the page q3q2 scrolled up or down.

There are two options: How to prevent overlapping with the footer? Tested with WordPress 4. Manual and demo Compatibility The plugin is not working with all themes! In the Stop ID option I need to enter just the colophon, without any other symbols! Yes, it is possible to fix more than one widget even if they are located in different q3ww2.


It allows to filter q32w of widgets marked as fixed. Improved compatibility with caching plugins W3TC, Autoptimize and etc. You can also use the visitor conditions of Advanced Ads to target specific user groups. Mobile Detect class updated to version 2. Description Use the fixed widget plugin to create sticky widgets that stay in the visible screen area when the page is scrolled up or down.

If your footer height is changing from page to page it is better to use the Stop ID option. Commonly caused by buggy plugins. Widgets must have an ID attribute.

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Check javascript console q3s2 your browser. Fixed destruction of jQuery window. The recommended solution for integrating ads in WordPress is the free ad management plugin Advanced Ads.


Why is the plugin not working in Chrome and other Webkit based browsers? Conflicts with other plugins and scripts CSS incompatibility Is it possible to fix multiple widgets?

Now the plugin is aware of the WordPress admin bar presence! The position of that HTML element will determine the margin bottom value.

q3w2 : Courtyard Conundrum by Casey

Disable Width and Disable Height. Check your CSS files for these two instructions: There should be no problems with other jQuery plugins now! It is on by default.

They works the same way. Added German translation Updated internationalization support 4. Fixed javascript error when no sidebars exists on a page.

Sticky widgets are perceived much better by your visitors than unfixed widgets and therefore have a significantly higher click-through rate.

Translate into your language.

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